By David Sparks, Founder and GM of Target Rich Solutions

For years we have watched as brand marketers struggle with how to integrate Mobile into their digital plans. Because of Opt-In requirements, concerns about privacy and a lack of commercially unoffensive “push advertising” opportunities, Mobile as a medium has been the Holy Grail.

As Mobile has become more and more important to consumers for search, E-Commerce, social media, etc., marketers have increasingly turned to Mobile Apps. The challenges are significant: getting the down load, keeping them engaged and integration with other digital elements.

Things have changed. We are at the threshold of a new Mobile age. The growth of smart phones has enabled integration with Wi-Fi, GPS, Mobile Apps and Beacons. The age of real-time, proximity marketing has arrived.

The newest way to get more aggressive about using Mobile entails working through a web-based platform that does 100% of the implementation, deployment and response.

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